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  4. Oso Oso - Real Stories of True People Who Kind of Looked Like Monsters LP (Neon Magenta Vinyl)

Oso Oso - Real Stories of True People Who Kind of Looked Like Monsters LP (Neon Magenta Vinyl)


Reissue of the 2015 debut album from the Long Beach, New York pop-punk / emo-indie band Oso Oso.

Neon Magenta Vinyl out on Counter Intuitive.

  1. Track One, Side A
  2. Wet Grass or Cold Cement
  3. Another Night
  4. Where You've Been Hiding
  5. How it Happened
  6. Josephine
  7. Interlude
  8. Easy Way Out
  9. This Must Be a Place
  10. This Must Be an Entrance
  11. This Must Be My Exit

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